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Home Blogs Avoid These Common IELTS Mistakes to Boost Your Score

Avoid These Common IELTS Mistakes to Boost Your Score

Akansha Pandey

Akansha Pandey

Nov 25, 2022

7 mins read

Avoid These Common IELTS Mistakes to Boost Your Score Cover Image
Understanding the Common IELTS Mistakes Mistakes are inevitable in any exam, but a student will easily handle them if he or she recognizes the errors early and begins trying to correct them. The majority of students make the same mistakes over and over again on the IELTS test, regretting it later. However, take special care to avoid making these typical errors in the IELTS Test because even one band below the needed score will ruin your plans to study or stay abroad. This article is targeted at all who want to discover their most frequent IELTS test errors and take steps to improve them. For better IELTS test scores, consider them and steer clear of them. 1. Mistakes In The IELTS Writing Test Writing is one of the 4 tests in the IELTS English proficiency test. Hence, being aware of potential errors can help you steer clear of them. 
  • Writing more than necessary 
Often, applicants produce longer essays than requested by the guidelines. This is a common error while writing an answer on the IELTS exam, and it could lower your score. Example: If you are writing about your favourite holiday destination and why don’t try and bring up a new reason in every sentence? Mention one or two and explain them in a concise and comprehensible manner.  
  • Poor Time Management
IELTS Writing Task 2 will require more time, so be mindful of this. You have 20 minutes to practice writing your task 1 response. As you prepare for the IELTS exam, you can practice this. While it is tempting to want to complete every answer before moving on to the next, understand that if time runs out, you will miss out on the majority of your score. Example: if you are facing difficulties ideating an answer for Task 1, try your best not to fret too much over it as that will affect your time for Task 2 where you could potentially do better.
  • Forgetting The Word Limit
The word count for the IELTS Writing Test tasks varies. It is crucial that you observe the word count when completing these tasks. IELTS test takers frequently forget to count their words after finishing a task, which is another typical error. You must write at least 150 words for IELTS Writing Task 1 (Letter or Report), whereas you must write at least 250 words for IELTS Writing Task 2 (Essay).Example: It is important to manage your time and write concisely as you will need time to be able to check on your word count too.2. Mistakes In The IELTS Listening TestThe IELTS listening test might seem easy but how to talk can make a huge difference to your score. So here are some common mistakes to avoid.
  • Not Reading Instructions
This applies to every task you do for your IELTS. Read the instructions of the task well and follow them to the T. Do not try to push your limits here as that might cause a low score. Example: If you have been instructed to answer using 2 words, do not go for a third and stick to those 2 words
  • Not Focusing On The Recording
The recording can only be listened to once, therefore you must concentrate without getting sidetracked. You will have two minutes for a computer-based test and ten minutes for a paper-based test to enter your responses into the answer sheet.Example: Don’t get distracted by filling out your answer sheet in advance while the audio is still playing. You might get distracted and miss out on other information important for the test.
  • Don’t Leave Answers Blank
It's important to know that giving incorrect answers will be inconsequential. Make a reasonable guess and answer the question even if you don't know the answer.Example: If you have forgotten or missed the answer to a question, try guessing it based on what you already know. This gives you a chance for extra points rather than nothing at all. 3. Mistakes In The IELTS Speaking TestAs it is simply speaking, one might believe that the IELTS speaking test is easy. But there are things to be mindful of to be able to do well on it,
  • Having A Monotonous Voice
To maintain the listener's interest and attention, you must adjust your pitch, loudness, tempo, and intonation. You won't sound natural if you speak with flat tonality. Be fluent and effortless with your words.Example: You might seem bored, over-smart, or disinterested if you maintain a monotonous voice throughout your test. Show alertness and understanding of the words you are speaking by adjusting your tonality.
  • Giving Too Much Information
Answer what you have been asked. The examiner has multiple candidates to go through so don’t waste their time and your chances of a high score by giving information that isn’t relevant to what you have been asked. For example: if you have been asked your name, just say your name. There is no need to give your entire biodata. 
  • Going Off Topic
In both the IELTS Speaking and Writing tests, it commonly happens that the candidate does not comprehend the topic. In these circumstances, people become anxious and change the subject. In the IELTS Test, if the task veers off course or is about the incorrect subject, there won't be any points awarded.Example: Don’t start ranting or discussing random side topics. Try keeping a calm mind and maintain a steady thought process4. Mistakes In The IELTS Reading TestThe Reading section of an IELTS test can be tricky as it requires good coordination, time management and understanding of the language. But well-preparedness and being mindful of these mistakes can help you ace it,
  • Reading The Whole Passage 
To understand the topic, look for relevant keywords and connections and skim the text. You can eliminate unnecessary words and details from the text. To help you remember them when you read the article again, underline or circle the important words.Example: Reading the entire text thoroughly will only eat out of your limited time when you only need important information.
  • Don’t Get Confused With Complicated Vocabulary
It is preferable to move on if you can't understand the meaning of a word because doing so will take a lot of time. If you don't understand a few words in a section, that's okay.Example: There is no point in being fixated on one word and ignoring the rest of the passage. The context of the sentence will usually make the word’s meaning clear to you.
  • Not Taking Keywords Seriously
The most crucial components of any answer to a question are its keywords. However, the most common error made by test-takers is misreading the question or response by omitting phrases like ‘not’ and ‘except’. These two words are negations and can change the context of a statement if they are used within it. Example: The sentence, “I like vanilla ice cream.” and “I do not like vanilla ice cream.” have very different meanings simply because of the word ‘not’ used in the second one.It is essential to be aware of these common IELTS mistakes if you want to avoid issues during the test. Therefore, prepare adequately for the IELTS. Use these basic guidelines to prevent the most common IELTS mistakes. Do you know what's the difference between IELTS vs TOEFL? Read to know more:
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Akansha Pandey
Akansha Pandey

Akansha Pandey is a journalism graduate who is passionate about helping students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals. She handles digital marketing and supports the process of guiding students to get admitted into their dream universities.

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